MCT + Collagen

February 05, 2021

MCT + Collagen

MCT And Collagen: The Perfect Combination

Are you tempted by all the sweet treats this time of year? Cookies, frosting, and now hot chocolate bombs… oh my!

My two favorite weapons to help keep me full and satiated, while fighting the sweet tooth, is a combo of K-POW Nutrition Supplements MCT Powder salted caramel flavor and unflavored Collagen Peptides.

Combining two macronutrients, fat from the MCT and protein from collagen, is a great way to fight those temptations and add a healthy balance to your lifestyle. Mixing both MCT and collagen together will add benefits to your day in more ways than just a tasty combo.

Let’s talk about healthy fats first. Remember this phrase and say it with me, “fat does not make you fat!” MCT stands for medium chain triglycerides. MCT’s are fats that are digested fast and used for energy (St-Onge and Jones 2003).

Consuming MCT, like K-POW’s MCT Powder, has been shown to increase metabolism which may lead to weight loss and health benefits (St-Onge and Bosarge 2008). MCT oil also has a strong blood sugar stabilizing effect that may help reduce inflammation and improve mental clarity (Page et al. 2009).

KPOW’s MCT Powder has an added bonus of combining it with acacia fiber. This addition is very beneficial for gut health and will help decrease your appetite by providing a sense of fullness. Taking MCT powders is also way easier on the digestive system and much more convenient for on the go scoops versus MCT oil that gets a little messy and “runny”. Sorry, TMI. MCT powder is also great to use when cooking salted caramel pancakes, fat bombs, smoothies, lattes, oatmeal, or yogurts. Unflavored MCT powder also has all the benefits if you’d rather go more basic.   

KPOW’s MCT Powder goes perfectly with KPOW’s Collagen Peptides. Collagen is a protein, and proteins are the building blocks of life. Collagen makes up a large portion of our body it is responsible for the elasticity in our skin and the stretch in our tendons (Peptan). This abundant protein helps our joints move more freely and keeps our bones strong (Peptan).

Collagen is rich in amino acids such as glycine and glutamine which are both great for brain health, gut health, immunity, and overall well-being. KPOW’s Collagen Peptides is backed by scientific evidence. Clinical studies have shown the benefits of KPOW’s specific type I collagen for skin beauty, joint health, and recovery from exercise (Peptan). 

KPOW’s MCT Powder and Collagen Peptides are a great combination because they will give you natural energy as well as keep you feeling full. This healthy fat and protein combo can make you feel more balanced by keeping your blood sugar levels in check (Han et al. 2007).

Another added benefit of MCT powder and collagen peptides is that they don’t contain any carbohydrates. The recipes for MCT and collagen can be creative and simple. I’m basic and love mixing both supplements in my afternoon coffee or evening smoothie. Instead of reaching for that sweet treat, have yourself some MCT and collagen to power through your day. Your brain and your body will thank you!  


Power Coffee 


  • 1 cup of coffee
  • ½ scoop of K-POW’s MCT Powder Salted Caramel flavor
  • 1 scoop of K-POW’s Collagen Peptides 


  1. Pour coffee into a mug.
  2. Add MCT powder and collage peptides into the mug along with the coffee.
  3. Stir mixture or use a handheld frother to blend.  

Power Peanut Butter Fruit Smoothie


  • 8 ounces of unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 scoop of KPOW’s Vegan Protein Peanut Butter Banana flavor
  • ½ scoop of K-POW’s MCT Powder Salted Caramel flavor
  • 1 scoop of K-POW’s Collagen Peptides
  • 1 tablespoon of natural nut butter (or powdered peanut butter)
  • ½ cup of frozen berries
  • Ice
  • Water


  1. Place all ingredients into a blender.
  2. Blend until smooth


St-Onge, M.P., and Bosarge, A. 2008. “Weight-Loss Diet That Includes Consumption of Medium-Chain 

Triacylglycerol Oil Leads to A Greater Rate of Weight And Fat Mass Loss Than Does Olive Oil.” National 

Center for Biotechnology Information,March.

St-Onge, M.P., and Jones, P.J.H. 2003. “Greater Rise in Fat Oxidation with Medium-Chain Triglyceride 

Consumption Relative to Long-Chain Triglyceride Is Associated with Lower Initial Body Weight And Greater 

Loss ofSubcutaneous Adipose Tissue.” National Center for Biotechnology Information, December.

Han, J.R., Deng, B., Sun, J., Chen, C.G., Corkey, B.E., Kirkland, J.L., Ma, J., Guo, W. 2007. “Effects of Dietary 

Medium-Chain Triglycerides on Weight Loss And Insulin Sensitivity in A Group of Moderately Overweight 

Free-Living Type 2 Diabetic Chinese Subjects.” National Center for Biotechnology Information, July.

Page, K.A., Williamson, A., Yu, N., McNay, E.C., Dzuira, J., McCrimmon, R.J., Sherwin, R.S. 2009. “Medium-

Chain Fatty Acids Improve Cognitive Function in Intensively Treated Type 1 Diabetic Patients And Support 

in Vitro Synaptic Transmission During Acute Hypoglycemia.” National Center for Biotechnology Information, 

February 17.

Peptan. “Peptan/ FAQ.” Peptan