Gut Pro+ Product Breakdown

January 25, 2023

Gut Pro+ Product Breakdown

Gut Pro+ is available on Friday, January 27th!

Along with K-POW's rebrand, we revamped the look and name of our gut health supplement! Formerly known as Super Combo, Gut Pro+ features a sleek new label and an upgraded formula.

Gut Pro+ still contains a combination of probiotics and digestive enzymes. However, the dose of DigeSEB™ was increased from 50 milligrams to 100 milligrams to make it even more effective!

Gut Pro+ features clear veggie capsules, so it's vegan-friendly and easy on your stomach. Gut Pro+ is gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, keto-friendly, made in a cGMP certified and FDA-inspected manufacturing facility, and is third-party tested for safety, potency, and purity. Every bottle of Gut Pro+ contains 60 servings, so it will last you approximately 2 months!

For a complete ingredient breakdown on Gut Pro+ as well as how to use it for optimal results, keep reading!

Why Gut Pro+?

Unlike other companies that sell digestive enzymes and probiotics separately, we decided to combine the two into one comprehensive supplement! Having a product that contains a healthy dose of digestive enzymes and probiotics is a lot more cost effective, beneficial, and convenient for our loyal customers. It’s truly a win-win situation for you and your gut!

    Using Gut Pro+ alongside meals will significantly improve the digestion and absorption of protein, carbohydrates, and fats, while promoting overall gut health and reducing gastrointestinal distress (e.g., gas, bloating, heartburn, etc.)

    Supplementing with Gut Pro+ may:

    • Enhance nutrient absorption
    • Support healthy digestion
    • Relieve reactions of common food intolerance 
    • Promote healthy colon function
    • Reduce gas, bloating, and fatigue

    Now that you know all about Gut Pro+, let’s dive a bit deeper into its ingredients!

    Ingredient Breakdown

    Here's what one serving (1 veggie capsule) of Gut Pro+ contains:

    Probiotic Blend - 50 Billion CFUs

    Probiotics, also referred to as good bacteria, are living microorganisms that offer numerous health benefits. Probiotics are naturally found in various foods such as yogurt, kimchi, and sauerkraut. However, it’s difficult to consume enough probiotics on a daily basis from diet alone, which is why supplements are often recommended.

    The purpose of supplementing with probiotics is to increase the number of good bacteria in the gut. Despite what you may think, having a sufficient amount of good bacteria is crucial for overall gut health. Good bacteria assists in the digestion and absorption of nutrients, removal of toxins and foreign pathogens, and reduction of harmful bacteria.

    Unlike other probiotics, which only use one strain of bacteria, Gut Pro+ features four different strains for maximal benefits.

    Every capsule of Gut Pro+ contains 50 billion CFUs of probiotics, which consist of:

    • Lactobacillus acidophilus
    • Streptococcus thermophilus
    • Bifidobacterium longum
    • Bifidobacterium bifidum

    Since the gut microbiome is incredibly complex and diverse, supplementing with a comprehensive selection of bacterial strains is potentially more beneficial.

    Studies show that supplementing with probiotics may:

    • Improve gut health
    • Enhance digestion
    • Support immune function
    • Reduce inflammation
    • Decrease gastrointestinal distress

    Digestive Enzyme Blend (DigeSEB™) – 100 milligrams (mg)

    DigeSEB™ is a proven and effective enzyme blend developed by Specialty Enzymes & Probiotics. DigeSEB™ is included in Gut Pro+ to enhance the digestion and absorption of various nutrients. Digestive enzymes are essential for digestive health and supplementing with them can reduce the risk of gastrointestinal issues such as gas, bloating, and heartburn.

    Here’s an overview of each enzyme included in DigeSEB™ and what substrate they act upon:

    • Amylases - starches (complex carbohydrates)
    • Lactase - lactose (milk sugars)
    • Protease I & II - protein
    • Lipase - lipids (fats)
    • Cellulase - cellulose (a polysaccharide found in plants)

    Supplementing with digestive enzymes may:

    • Improve digestion
    • Enhance gut health
    • Increase nutrient absorption
    • Reduce inflammation
    • Decrease oxidative stress
    • Boost recovery and performance

    The two active ingredients in Gut Pro+ have their own unique properties, functions, and benefits, which is why we decided to combine them into one phenomenal product.

    Suggested Use

    Take one serving (1 capsule) of Gut Pro+, preferably 15-20 minutes prior to your first meal of the day. For optimal results, consume daily.

    Stacking Options

    Gut Pro+ stacks well with the following supplements:

    The Importance of Gut Health

    One of the most overlooked aspects of health and fitness is gut health. If your gastrointestinal (GI) system isn’t functioning properly, regardless of how perfect your diet, training, hydration, and sleep is then your overall health and performance will start to suffer.

    Irrespective of your goals, it’s important to obtain a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals on a daily basis. Although your GI system takes on several roles in the body, one of its primary functions is to break down and absorb nutrients supplied by food and supplements. So if your gut isn’t running on all cylinders, then you’re likely missing out on vital nutrients that your body needs to recover, refuel, and perform.

    In addition to breaking down and absorbing food, the GI system works hand in hand with your immune system to identify and prevent foreign pathogens from entering the body. Therefore, the better your gut health is then the less likely it is that you may become ill.

    Having a properly functioning gut will enhance your immune system, help you sustain a healthy body weight, along with significantly improving your mood, energy, and performance. Needless to say, anyone and everyone could benefit from enhancing their gut health.

    Signs & Symptoms of Suboptimal Gut Health

    Now that you understand the importance of a healthy gut, let’s cover some signs that may indicate your gut health isn’t optimal.

    The most common signs and symptoms of gastrointestinal dysfunction include:

    • Gas
    • Bloating
    • Diarrhea
    • Constipation
    • Fatigue
    • Stomach pain
    • Gastrointestinal reflux (e.g., heartburn)
    • Skin issues (e.g., rashes, acne, etc.)
    • Poor sleep
    • Unexplained weight gain or inability to lose weight

    If you’ve noticed one or more of these signs and symptoms, then it’s important to take a step back and start prioritizing your gut health.

    How to Improve Your Gut Health

    Before taking any supplements, we strongly recommend assessing your diet, sleep, exercise, and stress levels to identify what could potentially be the root cause of your gastrointestinal issues.

    Many people rely on supplements to fix their problems only to be disappointed with the outcome. So it’s important to look at your body from a more holistic perspective.

    Here are some easy things that you can implement to improve your gut health:

    • Get 7-8 hours of high-quality sleep
    • Avoid highly processed foods
    • Identify potential food intolerances, or sensitivities, and eliminate them from your diet (e.g., lactose, gluten, soy, etc.)
    • Drink plenty of water each day
    • Eat a variety of nutrient-dense foods
    • Lower your stress levels

    As you can see, there are several ways to improve your gut health. After implementing the tips provided above, you could further promote gut health by supplementing with digestive enzymes and probiotics.

    Digestive enzymes assist the body with breaking down and absorbing food, whereas probiotics are classified as good bacteria that reside in the gut and offer numerous health benefits.

    That begs the question... which one should you choose?

    Ideally, you should supplement with both digestive enzymes and probiotics especially since they each have their own unique benefits. Fortunately, instead of buying probiotics and digestive enzymes separately you can get an efficacious dose of both in K-POW's Gut Pro+!