
September 20, 2018


The other K word.

Keto. There, I said it! 

Up to this point, I’ve been cautious using the word. The misconceptions and the unicorn drink pushers have kinda turned me off to it too.

But guess what, ketosis works for me and I LOVE IT!

Phewwwwwww… did I just come out of the closet!?

Yasssss! Let’s learn about eating high fat and low carb and how you can burn fat as fuel too.

Put simply, by eating a lot of healthy fats, moderate protein, and low carb, your body will adapt to run on fat as fuel instead of glucose. Glucose and carbohydrates are readily available on a standard diet. In the absence of carbs/glucose, your body will physiologically convert fats to ketones and use them as fuel/energy.

And that my friends is KETOSIS.

You can help your body enter ketosis by eating higher fats and very low carbs, following IF from my last article, and/or taking exogenous supplements to boost your ketone levels.

Before I share how ketone supplementation has helped me, let me first emphasize that eating keto-ish plus following a 16:8 IF window is a double dose of awesomeness for fat burning.

Eating keto can be really challenging. That’s why I like the word keto-ish. Becoming keto-adapted or fat-adapted was my goal. Being fat-adapted means your body runs on ketones and not glucose from stored carbohydrates.

Keto is kinda trendy right now. And there’s A LOT of resources and information out there. Podcasts are my favorite. Just use the search bar and you’ll find tons. Mark Sisson, Dr. Gustin, Thomas DeLauer, Chalene Johnson, and Leanne Vogel are people I tend to learn from most. And did you hear? Diane Sanfilippo is launching a Keto book in January 2019. She’s the author of Practical Paleo and the 21 Day Sugar Detox that is widely mainstream and popular. Interesting right?

In the year of my self-experimenting with keto, I have learned so much about my body. Mostly, how amazing I feel when I’m in ketosis and running on ketones for fuel. Achieving ketosis physiologically can be done! And yes, that’ still my goal! But here’s the deal. I will NOT eat slabs of butter or become a cheese-head to be in ketosis. Micronutrients and veggies are important and essential! And guess what, vegetables are carbs. I know, them sneaky B’s. Eat all the veggies and drink all the superfoods is a rule I will not veer away from.

So let’s break it down. To achieve physiologic ketosis, a common strategy is eating less than 50g of carbs and there’s not magic number of 50g of carbs. We’re all different. And to be honest, I don’t count my macros or my calories. Keto is low carb, but more so focuses on very HIGH fat. As high as 70% of your diet. Keto eliminates grains and for some fruit. I do like berries in my shakes tho. I know, I’m so rogue. But for me, this is a lifestyle and balance is super important.

Here’s a list of things I primarily eat following a Keto lifestyle:

  • Avocado. Ha! Of course, the queen had to be listed first.
  • Nuts. Macademia mostly. Seeds, almonds, and natural no sugar nut butters. If you sprinkle your own Himalayan pink sea salt in your nut butters, you’ll get the benefits of natural sodium (essential with this lifestyle) AND super yummy almond butter.
  • MCT oil, avocado oil, coconut oil. Avocado mayos. Avocado based dressings. All the avocados!
  • Veggies. I don’t restrict myself here. Spinach, kale, broccoli, cauliflower. Lots of them
  • Protein. Grassfed beef, chicken, bacon, steak, sausage, turkey, salmon, tuna.
  • Eggs. Eat them yolks.

You noticed no butter and no dairy. Not to say I completely restrict these things, but I definitely do not take the opportunity to eat them in copious amounts just to get into ketosis. Beware of sites and keto resources that use all the fats. And I mean, all of them. Health is my goal. So I’m cool with being keto-ish.

Way more to come on all things with this sexy K word. Hey, coming out of the closet was liberating and I can’t wait to share more with you!