The Differences Between Pre-Hype, BAANG, & LIT

March 07, 2022

The Differences Between Pre-Hype, BAANG, & LIT

Some of our most popular products are BAANG, LIT, and Pre-Hype; however, there are some key differences between these supplements that you should know. In this article, we are going to compare Pre-Hype, BAANG, and LIT so you can determine which one will best suit your goals.

Before going any further, it’s important to note that all these products contain a significant amount of caffeine; therefore, you should not consume all of them in the same day. You can utilize each product, but timing becomes more important. After reading this article, you will be a more knowledgeable consumer about a few of K-POW’s top-selling products.

Let’s kick off this article with BAANG!

BAANG: A Healthier Alternative to Energy Drinks

BAANG is a bit challenging to categorize because it’s in a league of its own. There are very few products on the market that have similar ingredients, benefits, and effects as BAANG. The easiest way to describe BAANG is that it’s energizing aminos and a healthier alternative to energy drinks. Although BAANG is not technically a pre-workout, it can be used to boost your energy, performance, and hydration.

What makes BAANG so unique is its ingredient profile! BAANG contains a combination of branched amino acids such as leucine, isoleucine, and valine. While also consisting of glutamine, citrulline malate, coconut water powder, and natural caffeine sources such as green coffee bean as well as green tea leaf. This provides you with a smooth, yet sustained, increase in energy without the dreaded crash.

Beyond elevating energy levels BAANG was formulated to enhance hydration, boost recovery as well as performance, reduce cravings, and support a healthy metabolism. 

Some other key features of BAANG include: 

  • Vegan-friendly
  • Gluten-free
  • Dairy-free
  • Non-GMO
  • Soy-free
  • Sugar-free
  • Naturally flavored, sweetened, and colored
  • Less than five calories per serving

Now that you know what BAANG is, let’s cover how to use it!

Suggested Use

As we mentioned, BAANG is a superior alternative to energy drinks and sugary lattes. Not only does it have higher quality ingredients, but it’s also much more cost-effective. BAANG can be used first thing in the morning or mid-afternoon to give you a boost in energy. Since BAANG contains caffeine, we do not recommend taking it within four to five hours prior to sleep.

If you have Pre-Hype, then it’s best to save Pre-Hype for the days you work out and then take BAANG on rest days as needed. Due to caffeine habituation, do not take Pre-Hype and BAANG the same day. If you need something to sip on while training, try K-POW Natural BCAAs. They provide similar benefits as BAANG but without the caffeine.

For optimal results, mix one scoop of BAANG in eight to ten ounces of cold water. Vary the amount of liquid to suit your taste preferences. So far, BAANG is available in Blue Raspberry and Cherry Lime. Some of our customers even prefer to mix half a scoop of each to create their own version of the red, white, and blue popsicle known as the Rocket Pop.

LIT: A Potent Thermogenic

Unlike Pre-Hype and BAANG, LIT is a capsule-based thermogenic that’s formulated to help you burn fat. Like BAANG, LIT is not a pre-workout; however, it does contain a fair amount of caffeine which will significantly raise your energy levels, dull your appetite, and promote fatty acid metabolism. Therefore, LIT is ideal for anyone whose primary goal is fat loss.

The primary benefits from taking LIT include:

  • Increased metabolism
  • Enhanced energy and focus
  • Reduced appetite and cravings
  • Decreased water retention

Some of LIT’s key ingredients are:

  • CapsiMax®
  • TeaCrine® 
  • L-Carnitine L-Tartrate
  • Caffeine
  • Dandelion root extract
  • Green coffee bean
  • Choline bitartrate

It’s important to note that LIT contains 250 milligrams of caffeine per serving, for every two capsules, so we suggest starting with one capsule to assess your tolerance. Out of all the products we sell, LIT has the highest concentration of stimulants.

Suggested Use

For optimal results, take one capsule of LIT in the morning before your first meal. Take an additional capsule six to eight hours later as needed. On training days it’s better to take Pre-Hype and save LIT for rest days, or you can substitute one capsule of LIT for either a half scoop, or one scoop, of Pre-HYPE.

In other words, if you train in the morning then take either a half scoop, or one scoop, of Pre-Hype followed by one capsule of LIT early in the afternoon and vice versa.

Pre-HYPE: An All-Natural Pre-Workout

Pre-HYPE is a pre-workout that’s 100% naturally flavored, sweetened, and colored. Pre-Hype is designed to raise energy levels, elevate focus, increase blood flow as well as nutrient delivery to the working muscles, promote hydration, all the while boosting strength, power, and endurance.

Every scoop of Pre-Hype contains:

  • 4 grams of citrulline malate: to improve blood flow and nutrient delivery
  • 2.5 grams of betaine anhydrous: increases strength, power, endurance, and hydration
  • 1.6 grams of beta-alanine: to boost muscular endurance
  • One gram of L-Tyrosine: enhances mental focus and users’ ability to overcome stress
  • 500 milligrams of coconut water powder (CocOganic®): promotes hydration
  • 150 milligrams of natural caffeine: increases mental and physical energy

Other key features of Pre-Hype include:

  • Sugar-free
  • Dairy-free
  • Gluten-free
  • Vegan-friendly
  • Keto-friendly
  • Natural caffeine: no crash or jitters

Suggested Use

For optimal results, mix one scoop of Pre-Hype with six to eight ounces of water and consume 20-30 minutes before training. Do not take Pre-Hype with any other stimulants and do not take it within four to five hours prior to sleep.

At the time of writing this article, Pre-Hype is available in Lemon Lime and Watermelon Lemonade. Like BAANG, some K-POW customers like to mix a half scoop of each to create their own unique flavor. Since Pre-Hype is a pre-workout, use it only on training days. If you need an energy boost on rest days, then opt for BAANG.


Even though Pre-Hype, BAANG, and LIT all contain caffeine they have different ingredients that make them unique. Pre-Hype is ideal before training, BAANG is perfect for a morning or midday pick-me-up, and LIT is a potent thermogenic that’s optimal for fat loss.

They each have their place but depending on the person and their goals one supplement may be better than another. Also, all three of these products can be stacked with Natural BCAAs since that product is caffeine-free.

LIT contains 250 milligrams of caffeine per serving, Pre-Hype contains 150 milligrams of caffeine per serving, and BAANG contains 100 milligrams of caffeine per serving.

Whether you’re taking LIT, Pre-Hype, or BAANG it’s important to monitor your caffeine intake. Taking too much caffeine for an extended period can have negative effects on your health. However, when used appropriately, caffeine can help you achieve your goals.